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Holiday Packages

Elf or Gingerbread Man Visit

Additional Fees

If you are looking for an appearance from a fun holiday character, look no further! Have them stop by for a quick visit, or have them stay a bit longer. From listening to gift requests, to handing out candy canes, let our holiday characters leave your children with a Christmas memory they will never forget! 


    Options Available (but not limited to) :


  • Listening to gift wishes, from children, and handing out candy.


  • Storytime


  • Handing out pre-arranged presents.


  • Pictures with the character.​


  • Any special requests, to add to the magic of the visit.



+ $1/mile fee for each mile

   outside the 20 mile travel





© 2015 by charActors, LLC. |

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Disclaimer - PLEASE READ

charActors is owned and operated exclusively by charActors, LLC, a South Dakota Limited Liability Company. charActors, LLC, is not affiliated with, maintained by, or in any way connected officially, directly, or indirectly with any other entity or entities. All character images, traits, representations, presented or portrayed within this site or in the business of charActors, LLC, are intended to be unique and are not an attempt to represent another entity or its property.

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